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Exit JavaScript, enter ClojureScript

I've been programming in JavaScript/CoffeeScript for more than 6 years, and have recently transitioned to ClojureScript (CLJS). In this article I'll share a few pieces of "wisdom" I've gathered after writing 3 small-ish projects in CLJS. This should help you if you're just getting started with CLJS or thinking of switching. The article covers tips about the initial setup, the basics, and some things that CLJS does differently/better than JS.

To make the most of this, you should have at least some minimal exposure to Lisp/Scheme - enough to get over the parentheses are on the 'wrong' side deal.

Project setup

Like in modern JS development, you'll first need a build tool. For starters, I recommend leiningen - it's a solid build tool, easy to set up and use. You can get leiningen from this link.

You'll notice there are a bunch of leiningen new project templates to choose from. You can find a list here. The minimal setup is provided by the mies template.

lein new mies <project-name>

This should create a folder structure that contains a src and a scripts folder. There are 3 main scripts you will interact with:

Once you get comfortable with leiningen, you might want to check out more advanced tools, like figwheel


Unlike in JS, arithmetic operators in CLJS take as many operands as you supply.

; returns 0

(+ 12)
; returns 12

(+ 12 34)
; returns 48

(+ 12 34 56)
; returns the result of 12 + 34 + 56

Operators are not special syntactic constructs, but just plain identifiers. That is, + resolves to a function - we can pass it around and treat it like any other function. If you want the sum of an array in JS you have to either use lodash's _.sum or a native reduce:

[11 22 33].reduce((sum, number) => sum + number, 0)

In CLJS, the same thing is almost half as short to write:

(reduce + 0 [11 22 33])

Also, since + is a function it responds nicely to apply - it even handles the 0-operands case for you.

(apply + [11 22 33]) is extremely terse and readable.

The JS operator % is called rem in CLJS; there is also an integer division operator, named quot. The % character has another purpose which will be covered later.

A function expression looks like this in CLJS:

(fn optional-name [a b c] body)

While a function definition looks like this:

(defn required-name [a b c] body)

Where body is one or more expressions. Functions return whatever the last expression of body evaluates to. (defn ...) is just a shorthand for (def ... (fn ...)).

Functions with variable number of arguments are done like this:

(fn [one two & rest] body)

And finally, calling functions is done like so (my-fun a b c).

One thing that doesn't appear in many starter tutorials is the shorthand for function expressions:

#(* (+ %1 %2) %3)

One limitation with the #() shorthand is that it doesn't work
for nested functions. The syntax could allow us to declare nested functions in shorthand, but referencing parameters would be painful and confusing.

Another limitation with this shorthand is that we can't have primitives as the body. #(123) is not valid. #(123) would expand to (fn [] (123)) which would fail because 123 is not callable. For the same reason we can't have a function #([1 2 3]).

If you need a function to simply return a value you can use the function constant instead:

(constant 123) - a function that always returns 123.


Collections are an important part of the language; unless you're computing pi's digits, sooner or later you'll make use of collections. CLJS comes out of the box with these data structures:

Alternatively, vectors can be constructed with vec, maps with hash-map and sets with hash-set.

Something that is visible right away is that CLJS has more syntax for collections than JS. Although ES6 has tons of new syntax, unfortunately none of that is for the new set and map.

Immutable by default

When you perform an operation on a collection you might also want to keep a snapshot of the previous version. JS doesn't have persistent collections, so this is when cloning comes in handy. The only problem is that JS doesn't come with any deep-clone method out of the box, and you have to either roll your own, or resort to one of the many, slightly different deep-clone methods provided by third-party libraries.

What's more, JS doesn't even have a uniform way to shallow-clone its built-in collections. You can clone arrays with .slice, but it's not exactly a dedicated clone method. In ES2015+ you can use the newer [...original].

What about cloning objects? There's the awkward Object.assign({}, original) or the newer { ...original }

Unfortunately, the all-new Map and Set don't come with any clone method. The best you can do is new Map(original.entries()) and new Set(original.values()). Notice the entries/values asymmetry. The ES2015+ alternatives are shorter and symmetrical new Map([...original]) and new Set([...original]).

None of this is an issue in CLJS, since its collections are immutable by default. This means you never need to deep-clone anything anymore. There's also no reason to use Immutable JS and the likes - the functionality is there out of the box!

A side win of having immutable collections is that comparing for equality can be fast and trivial; for example [1 2 #{:a :b :c}] is equal to [1 2 #{:a :b :c}]. You don't have to use slow third party deep-equals methods.

This also means that collections can be used as keys for maps and sets. In contrast, JS uses the strict equality operator (===) in this situation, which is not always what you want. Take for example this bit of code:

// I have a set points on a plane
points = new Set

// which I add a point 
points.add({ x: 123, y: 321 })

// and I want to see if the point is in the set
points.has({ x: 123, y: 321 })

The last call returns false because keys are compared by reference and not by value. The equivalent in CLJS would be:

(let [empty #{}
      points (conj empty { :x 123 :y 321 })]
 (contains? points { :x 123 :y 321 })

which returns true; a much more natural/expected response.

The same CLJS collections can also be made mutable. Sometimes this is more appropriate for performance or convenience reasons. The methods which mutate collections are easy to spot as their name ends in !: conj!, assoc!, etc.

Rich and uniform collection api

Since you have to work with collections a lot, it's important that the api for basic interactions is as uniform and predictable as possible. This is fortunately true of CLJS, but you can't say the same about JS. Here are some examples.

ES6 brought along proper maps and sets - no longer did we have to abuse JS objects and, well, some things weren't even possible before: keys would always be coerced to strings. Unfortunately map and set don't have a very rich or consistent api.

The count function in CLJS returns the number of elements of any collection. If you want to do the same thing in JS, you have to use length for arrays and size() for maps/sets. What's more, length is a property, while size is a function.

Adding data to collections is also straight-forward operation in CLJS, where you can use conj.

(conj (list 11 22 33) 44) 
; (list 44 11 22 33)

(conj [11 22 33] 44)
; [11 22 33 44]

(conj {:a 11 :b 22} [:c 33])
; {:a 11 :b 22 :c 33}

(conj #{11 22 33} 44)
; #{11 22 33 44}

conj adds elements at the beginning or end of different data structures, depending on whichever is fastest. In the case of lists, elements are added at the beginning, while vectors get elements added at the end. There are, of course special functions for appending/inserting to specific positions in collections where position is relevant.

By contrast, in JS you have add for sets, set for maps, push for arrays and member assignment for objects.

How about checking if an element is in a collection? In CLJS we have contains? for that. The ? at the end indicates that this function is expected to return a boolean. Compare this with JS and its includes for arrays (which is named like that only for historical reasons), has for maps/sets and hasOwnProperty for objects.

All the aforementioned collections support map/filter/reduce/some/every and so on in CLJS. In JS map/set don't implement any more than forEach. In fact, CLJS comes out of the box with a collection api full of the goodies you've come to use and love from the likes of underscore/lodash.

One interesting omission from the collections api is zip. There is no need for zip because map in CLJS can take multiple collections. Map will not provide the index to the mapping function as it does in JS. But it's easy to supply it yourself by using range:

(map vec collection (range))

where vec is the constructor for vectors.


This article initially intended to give a brief orientation guide for JS developers who want to try out CLJS. However, it quickly turned into a longer and more detailed comparison between the languages, and that's why I decided to cover only some points here, and leave the rest for another article. CLJS is a very rich and interesting language and some of things that I want to mention in the coming article are dealing with mutable state, JS interoperability and macros.